Peoples of Ebris

Elder Races of the Triadrien

Only three Elder Races, races crafted by the Three High Kings of the Triadrien Pantheon exist upon Ebris. Each of these races can trace their creation back to the beginning of the world and have been shaped by direct intervention and guidance by the gods.



Third amongst the Elder Races were once the Raduumen, being crafted in Haduum, the Storm King’s, image. Legends state these individuals walked the lands of Ebris with skin as green as the Chrystelm Sea and tempers to match a strength capable of commanding sea and sky. Of the Raduumen, little is known save that preserved in story, for one day they simply vanished. Rumours abound that Haduum returned them to the sea and the sky they were crafted from while darker stories state they were banished. But, now, the Raduumen are faint legends and folklore, ascribed to the roles of boogeymen and other dark entities best used to scare children.



The second of the three Elder Races, the dwarves of Aventi were created by the Forge-King Morghaan. They dwell in their homes of rock and stone, mining and working the metals of the earth. Most dwarves live within the boundaries of their mountainous kingdom - the Nation of Doors. Xenophobic and untrusting, the Dwarves of the Nation of Doors guard their kingdom from all other races except their younger kin, the Gnomes. Those Dwarves that do leave the nation can often be found in tight-knit communities or boroughs within the cities of humans, where they are only marginally more accepting of other races.

While all dwarven ancestry can be traced back to the Nation of Doors, most dwarves met outside hail from small dwarven boroughs scattered across the human nations as embassies and small communities. 


Legends state that the Elves, known formally as the Shae, were the first amongst the three Elder Races. Elvenkind, it is said, was given life by Khaine, the High King of the Triadrien Gods, as a gift for his son Eoghan, the Lord of Nature, at the dawn of time to subjugate and control the natural order of Ebris. Mysterious and secretive, they live in closed kingdoms or enclaves that fiercely defend their secrets. Rarely do Elves leave their lands, though brief fleeting relationships with humans have given rise to the race of Half-Elves.

Elves hail from the northern Kingdom of Ulsaram, the southern Empire of Oskarul, or from within hidden enclaves across the continent of Aventi - and possibly beyond.

Younger Races of the Triadrien

The Younger Races were created by the Triadrien Pantheon, often by multiple gods working in unison, after the Pantheon had departed from physically guiding and shaping Ebris.



Humanity is the first amongst the Younger Races, legends state that the Three Kings worked in unison to bring Humanity into creation - granting them many gifts and spreading them like seeds across the various continents of Ebris. Over many eons humans have expanded to become a major force and power with the rise and fall of various empires, kingdoms, and countries in an endless cycle.

The known bastions of humankind hail from the continents of Aventi and Zh`rydae, or the islands of both the Chrystelm Sea and the Sea of Ishgarm. From the continent of Aventi the major human regions are the Kingdom of Westmark, the Alliance of Free-Cities, the Kingdom of Eltherad, the lawless Badlands, and the Republic of Talren.


The little people of Aventi are filled with a deep-set wanderlust searching, they say, for an ancient homeland they were once driven from. In the modern era, they live in travelling nomadic caravans that traverse the entirety of the continent - often following routes passed down through the generations. Those halflings that do set down more permanent roots often find themselves most accepted in human cities.

Halflings are from caravans or are found settled in any human nation.



One cannot speak of the Gnomes of Ebris without recognizing that their race and history are intertwined with that of the Dwarves. It is said that when Morghaan forged the first dwarves, the sparks that fell from his forge fell upon soft clay from which sprang the first gnomes. While most gnomes are assuredly different than dwarves, gnomes live closely with their dwarven brethren within the Nation of Doors - though, unsurprisingly gnomes have spread beyond those hallowed halls to all corners of Aventi.

Gnomes are from the Nation of Doors as well as various Human Nations where they can be found in small communities or boroughs alongside Dwarves.



The fierce goliaths of northern Aventi are bound by layers of ancient tradition - steeped in superstition and legend. Hailing from the frigid north beyond the Northern Reach, goliaths gather in extremely insular communities. No goliath would willingly leave their tribe and goliaths execute their criminals, never exile them: punishment is swift and final. Those goliaths that come south may do so for very few reasons. Some rare goliaths may be found in the world but, whether outsiders know it or not, these are likely criminals (whether truly criminal or falsely accused, who can say?) who have somehow managed to escape their punishment and fled their home and family. Another equally rare reason a goliath may be found outside the bounds of their tribe’s lands is that some calamity has struck their tribe - driving them to seek help from the resource rich lands of the south. 

Goliaths hail from the frigid north of the continent of Aventi, often encountered amongst the peaks of the Trolletōt region, including minorly amongst the kingdoms of the Trolletōtfjords, and the Jotunblight Spine.


Created by Heme, the Hearth Goddess, from the remnants of cast off souls - the Ghul resemble bipedal humanoids covered in fur ranging from beige to dark brown with a canine face/snout, cloven hooves, and the capability to gain memories or skills from eating the dead, they are often mistaken for monsters. But, beneath this often reviled exterior is a reclusive and exceptionally community oriented people, with a vast culture of tradition. Often found settled near coastal cities - the Ghul of Aventi form a relationship with nearby communities as an efficient and disease free method of disposing of the dead. 

Ghul communities have formed throughout  the Republic of Talren, the Kingdom of Eltherad, and the Principality of Ilverness.

Note: DM Cas utilizes the Mythos Ghoul race from Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for the current stats and abilities of Ebris’ Ghuls.


Born from the union of elven and human blood, one might think that half-elves would walk through both elven and human society interchangeably as equals. But, that is not so. Generally outcast from Elvish society, the half-elves of Aventi have been discarded by their elven parents to live amongst humanity and the other Younger Races. 

Half-Elves often hail from human settlements, as few are welcomed into Elven society.



The Genasi of Ebris are as varied as the fragmented and shackled elements themselves. Not simply fire, water, earth and air - but also radiance, smoke, lightning, ash, steam, ice, mire, magma, salt, mineral, vacuum, and dust. The Genasi are not a singular race, rather they are a mutation present across all the Younger Races of Ebris. Humans, Halflings, Goliaths, even the monstrous Ghul are sometimes born influenced by one of the elements or its broken parts. While physically resembling a normal specimen of their progenitor race, such individuals often display traits and features associated with the influence of an element - such as a Magma Genasi Ghul whose fur is always hot to the touch and under which lines of orange red and yellow pulsate with heat. Some Genasi are born outwardly displaying their elemental traits, while others will go about their life until an event forces their elemental manifestation - this has led to many Genasi leaving their communities of birth, often becoming adventurers and seeking out the reason for their existence. Many Genasi have settled in the Principality of Ilverness where all facets of the fractured elements meet. 

Genasi primarily hail from the Principality of Ilverness, though small communities dot the landscape in locations of great elemental power.


Peoples of the Tsiln-Sadyr

The Tsiln-Sadyr, the living gods that walk the far reaches of the desert continent of Zh`rydae, created two races to serve them. Most similar to the Elder Races of Ebris, the races created by Tsiln-Sadyr have felt the direct touch of their gods and jealously guarded their lands. 


Oræmut [ORE-ei-muht]

The Oræmut , the shepherd priests of the Tsiln-Sadyr, were those individuals who first took up the sacred call and worship of the Tsiln-Sadyr when they first began to walk the deserts of Zh`rydae. Blessed with a new form and speech which even the simplest of beast could understand, they were better suited and adapted to the dangers of Zh`rydae; with these gifts the Oræmut spread the word of the Tsiln-Sadyr from the edge of Chrystelm Sea to the very heart of the Sakh Sil’n and the Verdant Crescent of Tassyn. Long did they thrive, alongside the Therkresh and those humans native to Zh`rydae, till the Triadrien Crusade arrived at their shores. Now, they are a people scattered, but not broken, that seek to push the invaders from their shores.

The Oræmut are not found outside Zh`rydae.

Therkresh [Th-EHR-KHR-ehsh]

Before the arrival of the Triadrien Crusaders on the shores of Zh`rydae, the Tsiln-Sadyr and their children faced many diverse threats. While the Oræmut were well adapted to the environment they were not adapted to war. To solve this, the Tsiln-Sadyr took volunteers from amongst the Oræmut and those native to Zh`rydae, imbuing them with greater vigor, prowess, and varied gifts. These individuals became the divine warriors of the Tsiln-Sadyr: the Therkresh. Following the arrival of the Triadrien Crusade upon Zh`rydae’s shores, the Therkresh found further purpose in defense against the invaders. But, following death and destruction of one of the Tsiln-Sadyr, the Therkresh were temporarily bereft of their gifts - with that opening the Triadrien Crusaders brought the Therkresh to heel and have since subjugated most of the continent driving the Therkresh into hiding.

The Oræmut are not found outside Zh`rydae.

Peoples of Atzakan

Of the continent of Atzakan, little is known except that it exists. What do its people look like? What languages do they speak? Are they even humanoid? These are questions with answers that will perhaps one day be known.